How to search on Twitter

Twitter has a great search tool. A tool you can use to connect and interact with people. Use it to keep on top of newsworthy content instead of trawling through your news feed. This post guides you in how to search on Twitter.

Click here for information on using Twitter’s advanced search.

How to use Twitter search

Using a desktop computer or laptop log in to Twitter and just search a key phrase or hash-tag in the search box, top right. Hit enter to search.

You will be initially presented with all the top searches for that search including photos, Tweets that include that phrase and then accounts (people/businesses) that have referenced that phrase in their bios. You may also see a promotion.

Top results are results that have a high interaction rate or caught the attention of users.

Twitter search results

Along the top, under your search phrase, are tabs.

You can display your results by clicking Top, Live, Accounts, Photos, or Videos.

Use LIVE to view the latest Tweets in real time that include your search. This can keep you totally up to date on your topics, meaning you can be on the ball, interacting with people quickly and easily.

You can re-tweet Tweets straight away or just reply and interact if someone needs professional help.

The ACCOUNTS tab makes it easy to view any accounts (people or businesses) that include the search phrase in their bio. Really useful when you want to connect with people in a certain area of business, connect to a consumer who might be interested in your product or find someone to help you to market your product.

More Twitter search options

Now click on MORE OPTIONS; the tab furthest to the right.

Use this to hone down the area that you want to search, or just search within the people that you follow. You don’t have to search the whole of Twitter.

This is really useful if you are a local business, or you want to support and interact with the people you follow already.

Click here for information on using Twitter’s advanced search


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