5 ways to make stronger social media connections

Aim to make stronger social media connections instead of gaining numbers.

More often than not, two people connect on a social media platform and never have contact again.

When you make a connection, take time to talk.

Try sending a personal message when someone makes contact by following you. Often, people are keen to network; you could organise a Zoom meeting to get to know each other better.

Personal messaging is a great way to get to know someone and turn connections into relationships.

Drop a message.

Think of your online connections in a similar way to your networking relationships. Get in touch from time to time. Tag your contacts in posts to make them more personal.

Be exciting and helpful.

Dig deep and share your extensive knowledge!

People want to learn from you. Humans love to expand knowledge- the reason we use the net is to read articles or watch videos. You have something special to share – do just that!

Your connections need a reason to keep following you and return to your profile.

Do mix business and pleasure.

A lot of small business owners worry about mixing business with pleasure. I say it time and time again – we are all human.

The business owner is the personality. The most successful posts are those that are fun. Don’t be boring. It’s easy to become a robot when using social media. You can enjoy it.

Be ready to reply.

Automatic updates can be helpful and timely, but be sure you are available to reply to comments, making the experience more personal for the visitor.

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