4 reasons to post more frequently on your Facebook business page

There are plenty of reasons to post more frequently on your Facebook business page.

1. Your Facebook fans generally never come back to your Facebook page

95% of your fans will never take time out to actually visit your Facebook page. How far you ‘reach’ is dependent on your posts and the stories you create.

Your reach is dependent on your fans interacting with your posts. Keep updating your page to generate interest.

If they do not interact with your posts, you will drop off their news feed.

2. Posts reach very few of your fans

Your posts will only reach about 15% of your fans, if that. So frequent posts won’t upset your fans– in actual fact the majority of them will never see any of your posts. You should even repeat post from time to time if you have a good blog post to share.

Those who do see the posts from you will quite likely be unconcerned that they saw the post a month ago.

4 reasons to post more frequently on your Facebook business page

3. Your posts have around 3 hours lifetime

In a Facebook news feed the average post is visible for about 3 hours unless people are commenting on it or liking it. Interaction is what keeps your post floating above all the other noise.

If you create a post and no one reacts to it (which is all but too common) then your post is pretty much invisible.

I discourage you to post every 5 minutes. Find some windows in the day time that are best for your audience and post every day during those times, if possible.

For example my audience are business owners: many check Facebook when they get into work, just after office hours (whether they pick children up from school or not) and before bed.

However if you cannot provide good content in each of your posts the DO NOT POST.

Less is more when it comes to posting quality information.

Why not start a blog so that you have interesting content to share?

4. All your fans are different

Your fans are of all different ages, might live in different cities, different genders; you can find much of this out within Facebook insights.

My fans don’t even live in the same time zone! None have the same schedule. Some are working mothers, some are bosses of large companies.

None of these people are on Facebook at the same time!

Posting infrequently means there is a number of fans you are just not reaching.

Posting at different times a day can help direct posts at different audiences.

Post at 7am for parents getting up to take the children to school, 12pm for a worldwide fan base, 6pm for small businesses owners checking Facebook after dinner. Use your insights wisely.

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