How to add files to Dropbox

Dropbox is an online storage website, from which you can share files or whole folders with friends and colleagues. File sharing is preferable to email when files are large, like photographs or graphics.

There is a Dropbox app that you can download to your computer, tablet or smartphone. However, I just use Dropbox online.

So what do you do when a friend, colleague or client invites you to a Dropbox folder so you can share files?

You’ve received the email in your inbox saying something like “Kelly invited you to a Dropbox shared folder called ‘Website Folder.’“.

Step 1. Click on the button that says “View Folder“.

You will arrive at the DropBox sign-in/sign-up page. If you already have an account log in as yourself and then go to step 4.

Step 2. If you haven’t got a Dropbox account, click the CREATE AN ACCOUNT link.

Create an Account on Dropbox

Step 3. On the next page complete your details – name, address, email. To view the shared folder you must use the email address that received the Dropbox notification. If you use a different email address Dropbox won’t let you view the folder.

Create a password, then click the box to agree to Dropbox Terms and Conditions (click here to read the Dropbox Terms and Conditions here first if you want to).

Now click the blue CREATE AN ACCOUNT button.

Step 4. You will be notified of a SHARED FOLDER INVITATION. Dropbox will tell you who the invitation is from.

Click ACCEPT to gain access to the folder.

Accept Dropbox Shared Folder

Once accepted, you will be taken to that shared folder; you’ll see the shared files. When you upload files into this folder the other person will see and be able to download those files.

Upload a file into your Dropbox shared folder

Access the folder you would like to upload a file to. You can see the name of the folder on the left-hand side of the Dropbox website.

  • Locate the blue UPLOAD button, to the left of the screen, as per the image below. Choose FILES to upload a file.
  • A window opens so you can find the files on the computer. Click the file you want to upload and click OPEN on the bottom right of the window. You can choose more than one file by clicking each one and holding down the CONTROL button (on a Windows PC) or APPLE KEY (on a mac).
  • Dropbox displays a progress bar whilst the file uploads. You’ll be notified when the file successfully uploads.
Upload a file to Dropbox

You can upload as many files as you like, but there is a limit of 2MB on the free Dropbox Basic account.

How to get more space on Dropbox

Gain more storage space on Dropbox by referring people. Basic accounts can receive 500MB of extra storage per referral.

The person you refer must install the Dropbox desktop app and sign in, in order for you to receive the extra space. Installation of the Dropbox mobile app on a phone or tablet will not qualify.

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