WordPress media library

The WordPress media library is an area within the WordPress back-end to keep media files. Media files being photos, graphics, videos and documents – like PDFs.

Any files you upload to your WordPress website will be stored in the media library.

WordPress makes several copies of each media file so they can be displayed on the front end in different ways – as a thumbnail, medium size, large and the original of course.

It is really good practise to keep your media library clean to save space on the hosting account and to speed up backups. By saving space you save money and it keeps the server running nice and quickly.

Website images should also be saved considering best practices.

Meow Apps – Media Cleaner

It’s also nice to have an organised media library. When websites grow in size, it can be easy to have hundreds or even thousands of images in the media library, so it is hard to find them.

You may also find useful:

Real Media Library

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