An algorithm is an instruction to something or someone that helps to solve a specific task.
In the case of Google the instruction is to a database on a computer.
An algorithm is the process by which you solve a problem.
Google’s “freshness” update
The Google Search Algorithm is the way in which Google takes a search and produces the results, on a search page.
Google now delivers up-to-date and extremely intelligent, relevant search results.
The Google method can analyse the web in small portions and updates its search index on a continuous basis.
What is so clever about the new Google Algorithm is that it realises different searches have different “freshness” needs. Google therefore lists results differently.
Take a search for “a good Cotswold walk” which may have been posted a few years ago. A page might still be popular enough to be ranked highly.
However searches for a breaking news story should list the newest content first, followed up by the older results.
When searching on Google, even if you don’t use keywords indicating you want the most recent event, Google takes over. They list the newest for you.
Some results are only a minute old.
Back in the day a business had to wait for Google to update it’s search results.
How does this effect your small business on Google?
Your website and your blog need fresh content and need to be updated regularly, more so now than ever before.
Old, irrelevant content will drop down the search pages.
Blogging enables you to update content yourself, getting the latest industry news out to your customers.
Research good keywords that will help you reach the right readers.