Understanding SEO – enhance a website to do better on search

Beginner level – how does SEO work?

Every website owner needs to understand these simple factors that can harm or enhance a website’s search engine position.

Kaydee Web likens a website to a physical building to simplify the explanation. If you’ve had trouble understanding ‘search engine optimisation’ this video is for you.

Learn about positive factors that will improve and enhance a website so that it ranks more highly, gains traffic and develops a better relationship with an audience.

Be aware of the damaging factors which will prevent a search engine from ranking a website well.

Learn the ways in which a blog can gain further reach – simply by producing content and media that will help a target customer.

What you will learn in this video

  1. Crawl errors damage the credibility of a website. Fix them.
  2. A website that is unappealing to visitors is unappealing to search engines and won’t rank well.
  3. First impressions count when it comes to increasing traffic.
  4. Looking after visitors helps a website to rank better – such as domain security, clear navigation and an honest background story.
  5. Design and structure help visitors to easily move around a website.
  6. Help visitors onto the next stage of the process with call-to-action buttons and links – how do they contact you or buy something?
  7. Writing content increases reach which can be achieved using a blog.
  8. Blogging can show authority within an industry and gain trust.
  9. Exchanging links helps the trustworthiness of a website.
  10. A trusted website gains more backlinks and ultimately ranks higher.

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